Boeng Luong Doung Chet

Boeng Luong Doung Chet is located in Damnak Luong village, Sangkhat Voat Kor, Battambang municipality, Battambang province, Cambodia and far about ~4km away from Lok Ta Dombong Khieu Nhung.

Quick tip: Boeng Luong Doung Chet is in the category of the Lake or Pond, Man-made resort. Things to do, as well as the attractions of Boeng Luong Doung Chet for you such as Where to eat, Fishing and more.

Travel Information: For the trip to the location of Boeng Luong Doung Chet, it is easy because it is not necessary to walk and cross the river or take a boat. For parking, you can park directly at the location.

Where to eat

Seated rent (Can order)

Things to do




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