Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort
Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort is located in Bo Phut subdistrict, Ko Samui district, Surat Thani province, Thailand.
Quick tip: Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort is in the category of the Accommodation, Resort. Things to do, as well as the attractions of Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort for you such as Where to stay, Swimming pool, Swimming, Tour preparing, Seeing beach, Boating, Doing fitness or exercise, Where to eat, Bar, Having spa or massage, Snorkeling, Viewing sunset, Viewing sunrise, Pool Bar and more.
Travel Information: For the trip to the location of Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort, it is easy because it is not necessary to walk and cross the river or take a boat. For parking, you can park directly at the location.